House Church – December 20th

House Church – December 20th Merry Christmas from the entire GCC family! This Sunday, we celebrate Christmas with GCC as we explore the promise of Christmas and our response to Christmas. You can download the House Church guide for this week and follow along...

House Church – December 13th

House Church – December 13th The final Fruit of the Spirit revealed to us is self-control. It’s something that none of us have mastered, and all of us need more of. Join us this week as we explore a new perspective on self-control and invite God to grow it...

House Church – December 6th

House Church – December 6th Gentleness isn’t something we celebrate in our culture, yet the Scriptures clarify that God and Jesus are gentle in the way they deal with us. Join us this week as we explore why the Holy Spirit wants to grow gentleness in our...

House Church – November 29th

House Church – November 29th Faithfulness isn’t something we often think of, but it’s an attribute we long for from other people. We want people to show up, be trustworthy, and keep their promises. As much as we want faithfulness from...

House Church – November 22nd

House Church – November 22nd When you think about goodness, you immediately think of good and bad people. Why are we drawn to that idea? Does God really just want us to do good works in our own effort? Join us as we explore the richness of the goodness of God...

House Church – November 15th

House Church – November 15th Kindness is not just the pursuit of being nice. Our culture demonstrates conditional kindness while God longs to grow unconditional kindness in our lives. Join us this Sunday as we explore the depths of our call to kindness. You can...