House Church – November 8th

House Church – November 8th Patience may be difficult for all of us but 2020 has forced us to embrace it. The patience that the Holy Spirit longs to grow in us is much more multifaceted than our cultural understanding of it. Join us this week as we explore...

House Church – November 1st

House Church – November 1st Peace is something everyone longs for, but very few seem to have. We look to and grasp at all kinds of things to find peace, but it seems elusive. The Scriptures point to peace as something that Jesus births in our lives as one of the...

House Church – October 25th

House Church – October 25th 2020, with its vast array of challenges, has made it difficult for many to experience joy. The problem may be that we have confused, consistent joy with fleeting happiness. Join us this week as Chelsea Bayne helps us explore what this...

House Church – October 18th

House Church – October 18th Following Jesus is so far beyond just our effort. God longs to transform us from the inside out through the work of the Holy Spirit. This week we explore how love should mark our lives as we unpack the first of the nine fruit of the...

House Church – October 11th

House Church – October 11th Most people base their relationship with God or standing with God on their own effort. If they work hard enough, try to change, or focus more, they will earn some kind of connection with God. The Letter to the Galatians reveals that...

House Church – October 4th

House Church – October 4th It’s easy to drift spiritually when we move through times of challenge and struggle. Here in the final moments of Joshua’s life, he challenges the people not to settle and forget the grace and goodness of God. Join us this...