House Church Week 9

House Church Week 9 We tend to write people off and treat them as disposable in our culture. We struggle to make room for people that are different than us. Join us this week as we see Jesus lead us in a different direction through the Parable of the Lost Sheep and...

House Church Week 8

House Church Week 8 Jesus did not come to bring salvation to only people like us. Jesus came to make a way for all people. Join us this week as we continue the Bigger Story series and look at the Parable of the Great Banquet. Thanks for being FOR GREENVILLE! You can...

House Church Week 7

House Church Week 7 Humility is something we long for in others and assume we have mastered personally. Join us this week as we continue the Bigger Story series and look at the Parable of the Wedding Feast looking deeply at humility. You can download the House Church...

House Church Week 6

House Church Week 6 Jesus came to make a way for us to be a part of the Kingdom of God. He also was very clear that He was the key to being a part of the Kingdom of God. Join us this week as we explore the parable of the narrow door. You can download the House Church...

House Church Week 5

House Church Week 5 It’s one thing to talk about faith and its another to live with faith. Join us this week as we explore the Parable of the Mustard Seed and how Jesus calls us to embrace a life of faith. You can download the House Church guide for this week...

House Church Week 4

House Church Week 4 When it comes to the Easter story we think often about Good Friday and Ressurection Sunday but very seldom do we consider Saturday. Join us this week as we celebrate Easter together and also process how God uses the waiting of Saturday to prepare...