– Serve –

Attending Growth Track is the best way to find out how to serve at Greenville Community Church. During Growth Track we work through your Enneagram number and your spiritual gifts to help you discover the person God has created you to be. We use that information to help you find the best place to serve at Greenville Community Church.

We call all those who serve at Greenville Community Church O1 Team members. O1 stands for Others First. One of our core values is selfless living and our O1 Team lives this out on a weekly basis. There are multiple places to serve on our O1 Team.
If you would like to get connected with our team about serving at GCC just email us at info@greenvillecommunitychurch.com and we will get things rolling!

Greenville Community Church is #ForGreenville. We are strategic partners with several local and global partners to help you serve in ways in our city and the world. Reach out to Mike Kuckel for information on how to plug in with our ministry partners.

We are #Forgreenville

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